Percussion Duties

Percussion Duties

Job Descriptions:

Area Check – Oversee entire percussion area. Make sure all equipment is away in storage locker/bins in back of room. Check area to see all other jobs are properly done. Report to teacher any jobs left undone. Keyboard and amp should also be turned off.

Music Folders – Make sure all percussion folders are put away in slots. No music should be left on stands or laying around in back of room. You should also check that proper parts are in folders at all times.

Cover Timpani – Uncover timps at beginning of rehearsal, carefully folding covers. After rehearsal, cover timpani properly.

Clean area (chairs, stands, insts.) – Clear area of chairs (if any). Arrange all music stands neatly. Arrange snare drum, bass drum, cymbals, xylophones properly. Bass Place all small instruments (like tambourine) back in bins neatly.

Sticks/mallets away – Collect all sticks/mallets and put on percussion bag which should be stored in back of room on percussion shelf.

Cover absentee jobs – This person covers the job of anyone absent, or may be asked to help with one of the above jobs.